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GUIDE’S LIFE was first intended for my brother and family to read about my life.  It wasn’t until I’d moved to Denmark and acquired my first computer I started to document my adventures as a professional guide around Salmon, Idaho in the wilderness area there.  I had written much of Part I when I decided I needed a break from that and started to document my military career which later became Part II.   It wasn’t until my cousin Jene had read some of Part I and told me I needed to complete it as a book that I began to write in earnest.

At first I wanted to write it in chronological order, but soon figured out it would be too confusing for the reader, so the three parts arrived.  Part I became my guiding experience, and thus the book’s title, GUIDE’S LIFE.  It wasn’t until after talking to Jene did I really begin to document my military career in full.  My three deployments took most of this part.  I sent it to my brother to read and he said he liked it, but didn’t understand much, so I began Part II explaining some military terms and such which he told me helped understanding to those who didn’t have a military back ground.

Part III needed written to talk about my life in Denmark.  Starting a job, dealing with the language and such was a big change for me and explaining how I dealt with them needed to be told.

It is a book of excitement and experiences.  I’ve had one of my readers tell me I had lived the life of three different people.  I had one tell me my story telling reminded her of the movie Forest Gump and how he told his story through the movie.  So I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did writing it.

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